I don’t like to brag, but I’m really good at NaNoWriMo-ing. Like, really good. I have participated in many NaNos since 2012, and I have …
Book Review: The Kick-Ass Writer by Chuck Wendig
I know what you’re thinking. A book review? Nah. Get thee to Goodreads! But alas, this review will be there too. That’s not why I’m …
My Take: Team Urban or Team Epic?
Hi all, Today is the final day of Entangled Teen’s Team Urban vs. Team Epic Fantasy Promotion, and in honor of the conversations of …
Entangled Teen Presents: Why I love Epic Fantasy!
Today, we’re continuing Urban vs. Epic Fantasy Week with Entangled Teen’s Epic Fantasy Authors discussing why they love their genre. Erica Cameron – Island of …
Entangled Teen Presents: Why I Love Urban Fantasy!
Today, we’re continuing Urban vs. Epic Fantasy Week with Entangled Teen’s Urban Fantasy Authors discussing why they love their genre. Brenda Drake – Guardian of …
5 Tips for Making a Fantasy World Feel Real
On planet Justine, where I write a story that involves world building, work in acquisitions where I read a ton of fantasy stories that either …
Genre Choice
Being asked by a friend who only reads true literary fiction what I am writing used to feel like a pop quiz I was sure …

Genre’s Bum Rap
Allow me to set the stage for you. Christmas time. I’m unwrapping a gift from my brother and his wife. It’s a book! Gone Girl …