Hi all!  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

My observations and accomplishments during this week’s NaNo:

1) The solid proof that my writer brain works faster than I type can be found in the massive number of missed words I have noticed throughout this process.  It is possible that, had I actually wrote all of the words I meant to instead of realizing it upon a quick reread and plugging them back in, I may have already made my final quota by now!

2) I completed my first draft of the C2SS short story.  It’s going to take a round of edits, for sure, but I haven’t finished a short story in years, so this is big news!

3) Writing action scenes and sex scenes are probably the hardest thing for me to do.  Give me a good dialog scene any day of the week.  Sex scenes are particularly bad because my head becomes a constant cycle of “One day, my family will read this.  My coworkers are going to look at me weird.”  And that is no good for producing anything that is supposed to be sexy in any way.

4) My GOD, this short story will never end!  I just keep writing.  Short was supposed to mean short!!

5) Oh wait…there’s the end.  I just wish it wasn’t complete rubbish.  Time for rewrites!  Or rather…December is time for rewrites!

6) No, new novel idea!  Where did you come from?  And why are you so weird?  I have no time to actually WRITE YOU!

7) Is it just me, or am I getting better at writing one thing at a time?  Or at least one thing a day…

8) That last day’s word count was a total accident.  I finished writing the short story and then sat down to write a scene of LK.  But then, realizing I would have to write the next part on the train the next morning, I realized I needed to finish the scene.  It was an argument, so I needed to keep the flow of conversation going until I’d ended the scene.  2411 words later…what? It was a really interesting article.

8) I have finished this week at 49,044 words.  I have a whole other week left.  You think I’ll make it to 50,000?  I think I will. 🙂

Check out my story key and word counts below.

Story Key:

Short Stories: OH, C2SS
Novel Length Urban Fantasy: LK
Novel Length Romantic Comedy: LI
Novel Length Space Opera: DG

Word Counts:

11/19: 797 words of LK, 1787 words of OH = 2584
11/20: 756 words of LK, 2178 words of C2SS = 2934
11/21: 670 words of LI, 1308 LK = 1978
11/22: 1777 words of DG
11/23: 1795 words of OH
11/24: 1981 words of LK
11/25: 1313 words of OH, 2411 words of LK = 3724