“One Headlight” Accepted for Publication

Four silhouettes against a sunset beach background

Hi all,

A few years ago, I wrote a short story, titled “One Headlight”, about a group of teenage friends forced to cope with the loss of one of their own.

It went through a series of edits and submissions, and I had a tough time with it. I felt it was the best short story I’d ever written, and the fact that I couldn’t find a place to publish it jabbed at my self-esteem.

But the little story that could kept going out to new publishers, kept changing, and eventually, with a little rework of the ending, it has found its place.

“One Headlight” has been accepted for publication in Best New Writing 2017, and it is a finalist for the Gover Story Prize. I will have further details on publication dates, as well as whether or not the the story takes home the big prize, but finalist is more than enough to put a big smile on my face.

More info to come! Thank you, as always, for following along with my career and for all of the love and support you send me!

