Hi all!  This past month has involved a crazy string of rewrites and attempts to compile the complete submission packet I will be using for The Order of the Key.  I am hoping to start shopping it out to agents by June, so the next few months I’m going to be in prep mode.  That doesn’t mean you won’t continue to get regular offerings from me, just that they might be more revision and promotion related than anything else.  Or, that they might be collections of links like this one! Check out these great links, some of which are connected to me in some way, and some are here because I thought you might find them interesting.  Enjoy!

– Check out my review for Shards & Ashes, a collection of YA dystopian short stories, at G-Pop.net.

– I recently reconnected with an old high school friend who is also a fantasy writer, and the two of us have been trading emails, discussing all of the aspects of storytelling.  We’ve had a blast doing it, and hit upon a funny discovery – our blogs are like siblings. So, if you like my blog style, check out Louis Santiago’s blog here.

– I always say that writing has made me a weirdo.  Apparently, I am not alone in these thoughts.  Check out K.M. Weiland’s guest post at The Master’s Artist.

– Check out this great collection of 7 big whoppers writers make in their manuscript and read it before you begin any round of edits.  It will help you catch some oopsies.

– And here are some more mistakes that will help you come revision time, from the same blog.

– Not only is this article completely hilarious, but it’s informative too!  Check out 14 Questions You’re Too Afraid to Ask Literary Agents.

This is a nice checklist to have if it’s agent querying time for you.

– Are you a book writing bad ass?  Here’s seven reasons why writing that book makes you awesome.

– I’ll admit, I’m bad with a semi-colon.  I never know how to use it correctly, even though I intellectually understand where it should go; it never feels right.  I tend to subscribe to Kurt Vonnegut’s view, which eschews the use of them, as mentioned in the article I’m about to refer to you, which explains how you should use them, if you’re going to do so.

– What does your character want?  What do they need?  How do these things interact with each other?  This blog post said it way better than I could have.

– This is so relevant.  Working at Sucker Literary taught me so many things, and this blog, about what you can learn working for a lit mag, lays it all out in black and white.

– Speaking of Sucker, get ready for Sucker Literary Volume 3, which will be released on various platforms on April 15th.  So keep your eyes peeled!