Hello everyone!

I don’t really do New Year’s Resolutions, because they almost always fail and/or they feel to vague to actually provide a sense of accomplishment. Instead, I’ve made myself a few amorphous goals I’d like to pursue in 2020, and one of them is to make an effort to be more active and INTERactive with you, the wonderful people who actually care what I’m writing and why I’m writing it.

For one, I intend to post more here on the blog, and also on social media. However, algorithms add some snags to that. Therefore, in an effort to get information about me and my upcoming book release past social media algorithms and right behind your eyeholes (or something less invasive), I’m creating a monthly newsletter!

That’s only one email a month, unless a sudden but important announcement needs to get out there in between. Even then, it won’t be much more than one extra newsletter.

If you’re interested in signing up for my newsletter, please sign up here. https://mailchi.mp/ebb8bfa2eae4/justinemanzanosignup

I look forward to a monthly party in your inbox! 🙂