Happy Book Birthday to The Order of the Key!

Bear with me a second, because I’m going to sound like an Oscar winner. I woke up this morning trying to decide how over the top I’d be during this day. I’m prone to hysterics and over-the-top happiness, so I decided to myself that I would bide my time and talk about my book’s release date in small, controlled bursts throughout the day.

I sat down for my coffee and I didn’t have to make an announcement. A ton of people on Twitter did it for me, following a trend that would continue through text messages and Facebook messenger messages, tagged Twitter posts, posts on WriteHive, just…everywhere. And I found myself so incredibly overwhelmed.

I have somehow amassed some of the most amazing people rooting for me, and I promise you I would be NOWHERE without a lot of you. I just have so much support. I’ve been on the verge of tears all day, and I don’t happy cry easily.

This book took a tremendous amount of work. It nearly got published two other times and then the publishing companies folded. I’ve been working and re-working this tale for years. I started writing it just after a bout with my son’s colic and my own post-partum depression. I made it through and realized I could do anything. And I stopped putting aside my fears and started really working on my writing.

The process of finding my way to this book was indeed, a lot like labor and my first months of child rearing. I half expected my dream to be taken back from me, despite the fact that Black Rose Writing was clearly much more stable than where I’d previously found myself.

It hasn’t been swiped away from me. My dream has come true. My book is here.

Please join me on YouTube for my launch party on Saturday at 2PM EST. The link to the live stream is already up for you to visit and set a reminder for, here: https://youtu.be/ewmfo_6Zu_Q

I would love it if you could join in with me for my celebration. You could also order from any of the places listed here: https://justinemanzano.com/the-order-of-the-key/  An order from Boogie Down Books will get you a signed and personalized copy.

Whether you can or not, I would like to thank you for your support.

My heart is so full today.