Hey there, my friends! I am in the very fortunate position of having more good news to report to you today!

About a week ago, I entered The Order of the Key into a contest called Pitch to Publication, or #p2p16. To learn more, go here. Each contestant submits their query letter, along with the first five pages of their novel to three of the participating editors. The editors ask for more as needed.

If selected by the editor, the author gets 5 weeks of free editing work with that editor, and then moves on to the agent round.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I waited one panicky, edge-of-your-seat week, and guess what?

I won! I was selected by the wonderful Kaitlyn Johnson! I already love her and can’t wait to work with her.

It looks like my new NaNoWriMo novel will have to wait…but for a terrific reason!

Once again, thank you guys for all of the support. I can’t wait to get to work.

With love,
