Husband & Wife Editorial Team

Team Edit

This is our special menu item. Both Justine and Ismael will provide you with a full developmental and first round line edit with an edit letter. This is a great deal, because you get two editors for the price of one, and often this helps give you extra possibilities for strong changes in your manuscript. Highly recommended service. 


30 Minute Consultation/Book Inspiration Chat with Justine and Ismael. This service is best for if you’re feeling stuck in your story and need some help untangling the knots. 

Bundle Edit

Developmental + Line Edit + Reader Report from one of our two editors.  

Developmental Edit

Developmental Edit + Reader Report from your choice of our two editors.  

Line Edits

Line Edit from your choice of our two editors.  

Copy Edits / Proofread

Copy Edit from Justine. 

Query Package

Query + Synopsis + First 50 page edit from Justine.

First Chapter Edit

First Chapter Edit from your choice of our two editors. 

A la Carte





Pitch Session Prep


If there’s anything you need that you don’t see here, it never hurts to ask! Shoot me a message, and if I can’t help, I’ll help you find someone who can.